Sunday, April 20, 2008

Community Partner

The organization of community partner is Project Open Hand which has been providing "meal with love" to people living with serious illness and to senior in San Francisco and Alameda country and has served as a model for over 100 organizations over the world since 1985 (This is from Project Open hand website). Their main goal is to help people to eat because without eating, those who have serious illness people cannot take their medicine. This program is created by Ruth Brinker from her experience when her friend died of AIDS.
I work for Special Event for Project Open Hand to develop the databse and survey. Right now in the database, there are approximately 3000 volunteers' information. Last Friday, we finally send an survey email and we are getting a good respond. After done with this survey, we have to work on the database to make more friendly to community partners. Right now, they are using access to use the database, so we have to find out the easy way to use it. Also, we have to redesign the databse, too.

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